Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Day 8: "This Is It!"

Today's devotion talked about the Rapture and waiting for Jesus' second coming. Whenever I think about the Rapture, I think about the times in the past when people thought they had predicted or figured out the day that Jesus would return. These attempts always made me laugh; in all their studying of the Bible to figure out the date, did they miss the verse that plainly says no one knows the day or the hour except the Father? Personally, I'm glad we don't know. Think how stressful life would be if we knew Jesus was returning in a few weeks!

The Bible says we should rejoice in the thought of Jesus' return, and I do, but I worry that I haven't done enough for the Kingdom of God yet. I barely witness to others, and most of my time in the Christian walk is consumed by myself and dealing with my own sins. I shouldn't be so concerned with the state of my own spirit that I neglect to care about others. This is an area I should definitely work on. Thankfully, as long as I remain in His will, everything will work out fine. I just need to do my part.

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