I'm sorry that I haven't written in so long...it was easy to write here during the summer, when I didn't have much else to do, but now that school is upon me once again, it's easier to skip my blogging (and often my Scripture reading, as well). Perhaps I can't blog here EVERY day, but I certainly can read my Bible every day. And the blog does help keep me accountable to myself.
Anyway, no more catching up. No more streak maintaining. I'll just write about whatever I read about, or more importantly, whatever is on my heart. Some things work best when they aren't guided by strict rules.
Today's devotion talked about times when we can't give God everything that we usually do. At Vassar, I suppose this could be said of me. There are occasions where life gets so frantic and busy that we can't put in a half-hour of prayer every morning or such things. Don't get me wrong--we all need to keep our priorities in check, so we can't kid ourselves--but God wants us to be good stewards of our lives, and if there are important responsibilities that we need to attend to, then we best serve the Lord if we fulfill those responsibilities to the best of our ability. But we must be honest with God, and we must try to give Him whatever we can. God is faithful, and if we are true to Him, He will bless it.
The problem with my life is that I've had time for God, but I haven't used it for Him. From experience, I can say that the less time we spend with God, the easier it is to fall into temptation or live outside of God's will. I can't explain how reading the Bible in the morning sets the tone for the day, but it does. I suppose it's because God realizes that we are using our time to draw closer to Him, and thus He blesses the rest of the time that He's given us that we use for other things. As I type, I already feel better about today and more relaxed. And that's saying something, because I'm taking my GRE at 1:30 today (pray for me, please!). My friends prayed for me about it last night, and they touched me deeply. I've got the best companions in the world, and I hate that I've only got one more year of living with them. But anyway, there really isn't an excuse for me not to spend time with God, so I'm going to get back on track again. :-)
Hey man, yesterday i started reading proverbs. My goal is one a day (since there are apparently just enough to go through the book at that rate in a month. I'm doing personal reflections for each one, in the hopes of forming a habit.
So we should start messaging each other or something, keep each other accountable. It'll make not getting around to a blog but still maintaining the reading a lot easier to have someone to chat with about it on a daily basis.
Or something like that.
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