Thursday, December 11, 2008

Absolutely Nobody

Okay, so here's Day 1. Sadly, the rest of yesterday didn't go as planned, so today's the official first day. I pray that God be with me every step of the way.

Today's devotional was on how humility is a good thing, but we are not to consider ourselves unworthy as an excuse for not doing what God wants us to do. I think this is a problem I have. Too often, I don't do things that I feel God is prompting me to do because I don't feel spiritually strong in that area, when in reality, all the strength I need comes from God anyway.

In general, I need to rely on God more in every area of my life. It's something I've really been struggling with lately, since I want to do my own thing, despite the fact that I know His way is best. With His help, I will be able to do it, though.

1 comment:

Kay Hautea said...

Keep pressing into God, Rich.. take as much time as He needs to get through. Keep listening for that still, small voice and don't stop praying until you hear it! Many prayers, bro.