Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Chain of Ungrace


It has been far too long since I have posted here. Thanks to my dear and most beloved friend Kay, I have been snapped out of my coma and inspired to write here (thanks Kay, you rock! ;-D). So here goes.

Today's passage was on forgiving others, and not to brag, but I don't think I have much trouble in this area. I'm awful at holding grudges, so unforgiveness doesn't tend to be an issue. Even so, like everything with God, I need to be careful. The truth is that people haven't really ever given me a reason not to forgive them, so maybe the reason I think I'm so great in this area is because I haven't been tested too harshly. I love the quote at the end of the devotion: "He who cannot forgive others burns the bridge over which he himself must pass." That's powerful.

Today's Scripture was Jeremiah 25-27, and it's intense stuff. Basically, God's fed up. He tells Jeremiah to prophesy that God is going to deliver the people of Judah over to the Babylonians because of their disobedience. The first thing that comes to my mind is that Jeremiah must have had one of the worst jobs EVER. "Hi everyone! Thus sayeth the Lord: you're going to be captured, and it's all your fault." I'd imagine he wasn't the most popular guy. In fact, in chapter 26, he is nearly put to death for his prophesy. I'm not sure that I would be able to obey God if given such a calling, and that worries me. But God knows what I can and cannot handle, and while I'm sure He will stretch me in what He asks of me, I doubt that He'll ask me to do anything so drastic right now.

1 comment:

Kay Hautea said...

good to have you back, friend. glad that God is moving :)