Friday, October 14, 2011

"What is that to you?"

Last weekend (the weekend filled with weddings), I got the chance to visit my former youth pastor at the church he's now leading.  His sermon was on the last chapter of John, and it was GOOD.  The part of it that really struck me was when he talked about how Peter asked Jesus if John would die, as Jesus had just told Peter that he would die for the glory of God.  I love Jesus' response: "If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to you?  You follow Me."

As I shared with a few of my best friends over the weekend, my greatest desire in life is to find the wife God has for me and raise a family under His guidance, and when I see many of my friends are getting married or are engaged while I'm not even dating anyone yet (not for a lack of beautiful, God-fearing women that I know!...I just haven't felt the green light from the Holy Spirit towards pursuing anyone), I can't help but ask God, "Why does she get to find her true love while I'm still searching?" or "How come he's getting married next year when I want that so much more than him?"  And after hearing that sermon, I can clearly hear the Lord say in response, "If I will that all of your friends get married today and you remain celibate till you pass from this earth, what is that to you?  You follow Me."

I pray that I find the strength to sigh, smile a bit, and say, "Lead on."


Kay Hautea said...

Hey, bud. I strongly believe that God has a woman out there He's preparing to be your wife, just like He's preparing you for her (and I know the same is true for me vice-versa). Remember that we're pretty young and that when it finally happens, it'll probably happen pretty quickly (no half-decade of dating, long engagement nonsense), so your patience is only required for a short while... but it is required and it's a fruit of the spirit that we could all use more of. So consider this a time that God is cultivating the fruit of patience in you... and all the other fruits as well. Maybe you're not yet kind enough, not yet gentle enough, not yet joyful enough, etc - don't take this the wrong way, none of us are; that's why we need Jesus. And maybe you don't yet know how to truly love that woman, whoever she is, but God is making you and transforming you into the man He wants you to be and someday, not when you're perfect, cause that won't happen this side of heaven, but when God thinks you're ready, it'll happen and it'll be really, really awesome. And it's good to remember that the majority of your friends are in the same boat - single, hoping, praying, waiting - and that we are all rooting for each other, not just waiting for the next wedding, but waiting in eager expectation for what God is going to do in our lives as individuals. Sorry to write you such a long comment, but this really spoke to my heart and I felt that God was encouraging me to encourage you. Hope it worked!

Rich said...

Thanks Kay! Please don't ever apologize for writing a long comment. I greatly respect your opinions, and it is very encouraging. I think you've hit the nail on the head--I know that I'm not prepared to love my future wife the way I should right now, but I'm selfish, so it doesn't keep me from whining about it. ;-)

And likewise, God has someone totally amazing for you. I look forward to the day when we're both married (or, hey, realize a different calling from God but know it's so much better than what we thought we wanted) and can look back at this blog and high-five each other. :-D