Sunday, August 10, 2008

Day 6: The Eye of God

It's funny how jaded I can become to God's omniscience. As a Christian, I am aware that God sees everything and that one day I will be held accountable for everything I've done, yet I often feel comfortable enough to blatantly sin when I am certain that no earthly eyes are watching. The only eyes I don't care about are the only eyes that really matter.

This devotion was a big help to me. I need to be reminded once in awhile that the Lord will judge all my thoughts and actions, and that He is an eyewitness to all of them. At times, I suppose I've resented the fact that God sees everything, but I am definitely glad that He does. He is the best accountability partner, or at least He can be if I let Him. Also, He sees the good that I do as well, and if it is done for Him, it will be recognized on Judgment Day as well. That is the most exciting fact of all.

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